Tom Hanks Might Come To My Hometown……Poor Guy

My small ass hometown where the only thing to do on a Friday night is get drunk in the middle of an almond orchard and engage in some HPV collecting activities might have pulled off bringing Tom Hanks to the high school for homecoming in October. He announced on Facebook this afternoon that he had […]

13 Things All Fat Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

I’ve been told some of the things below from family members, friends, and a random chick standing in line behind me at the grocery store. I have also had some fellow chubbettes confess to me the idiotic things people have said to them. Here are a few gems that stand out: 1. “How can you date/marry/sleep with someone […]

Allergies Suck!

Why is it that for some of us our bodies just hate this planet? I’m beginning to think Scientology was right, that the Evil lord Zenu sent us here cause I clearly don’t belong seeing as how every spring my body just says fuck it and stages a protest in the form of uncontrollable sneezing, […]